Power Pic Reach - The Most Powerful Filter Cleaning Tool (Metal)

sku WH-02732
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Price $31.99




Dread cleaning your pool and spa filters? With Filter Flosser it's no longer a chore! Power Pic Reach is the most powerful pool and spa cartridge filter cleaning tool in the industry, backed by a lifetime manufacturers warranty! It works on all major brands and sizes of performance filters and conveniently connects right onto your garden hose. The specialty nozzle design creates a powerful water and air agitation action that gets deep down between the pleats powering out dirt & debris making regular filter maintenance a breeze, while cutting cleaning time and water usage in half! Power Pic Reach is the only quality constructed filter cleaning tool made of 100% durable aluminum  not leaky plastic! Plus, its the only tool thats been tested and approved by major filter manufacturers and is used and recommended by industry professionals. Power Pic Reach is 1 in the industry for cleaning pool & spa cartridge filters  accept nothing less because clean matters!

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