2020 Mattress Cooler Classic - Chilled Mattress Topper Water Cooling System Ideal for Hot Sleepers & Night Sweats, 27"x63"

sku WH-04611
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Price $173.00


Are you ready for something better than a cooling blanket or a cooling comforter for night sweats? Our bed cooling system will regulate your body temperature and provide you with a better night's sleep. A cooler bed helps you fall asleep faster, decreases insomnia, releases melatonin, and decreases the risk for metabolic elements.How it works:Chilled water circulates through a PVC vinyl mattress cooling pad. The chilled pad removes body heat, cooling you to a desired sleeping temp. After the water has absorbed your body heat, it's returned to the Mattress Cooler and recirculated. Setup:5-10 mins1) Place cooling pad between mattress and a fitted sheet. To cool yourself, place the pad from head to foot. For two people, place across the mattress between your neck and waist. Avoid placement near sharp objects or high friction areas where you get in/out of bed.2) Connect cooling pad tubes to the cooler. Remove the top lid so you can pour up to 2 quarts of water into the Mattress Cooler. The water tank has a water level to prevent overfilling the unit.3) Press "on". If you get an E1 error, turn off the cooler, add water, then power on.Cleaning/Maintenance:The system will use about 1 qt of water a night. To preserve your cooler, drain the system every 2 weeks. To drain, remove the drain plug under the unit. You can add up to 1/8 tsp of bleach to the water to keep tubes clean. Don't overuse bleach; it can damage the system.Tips: Place cooler higher than the mattress pad for better circulation. If you are having issues with the water overflowing, first try running it with less water in the tank. If you're still having the issue after, change the fan cycle to D4 when you wake up; it will prevent backflow.Cooling pads should be replaced every 4-6 months, friction will develop weak spots. 

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