Traditional Craft Kits Coiled Basket Kit (Expanded Version) - CB2

sku WH-06771
Reviews (0)
Price $28.50




At Traditional Craft Kits we believe that people have enormous creative potential. With our kits we challenge people to expand their comfort zone and turn raw materials into pieces of art. We know that this process is good, healthy and necessary for people and society. Our mission is to keep traditional crafting relevant in our modern world. We offer a product line that teaches hands-on skills, sparks creativity and inspires appreciation for handmade arts. This kit is intended for intermediate skill level; someone who has already made a beginner coiled basket. This basket will take more than 8 hours to complete and it is recommended to stitch in several sessions, taking frequent breaks. Coiling is a basketry method where one material is wrapped around another in a spiral. Generally the materials used for wrapping are soft and flexible while the coil can be a bit more rigid. Basketry requires patience and perseverance. Keep at it and you will be proud of your improved skills and finished basket. The kit comes packed in a plastic bag that can be used to store materials while you make your basket
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