The Power Ionizer provides swimming pools with a better quality of water,
while eliminating the daily usage of harsh chemicals such as chlorine and
bromine. The system chamber disperses natural minerals into the water, such as
copper and silver, that act as natural algaecides. These natural mineral
levels can be easily maintained by adjusting the dial on the side of the unit.
The Power Ionizer offers such advanced technology that it is truly a low
maintenance system; simply set the dial, relax and enjoy your pool! The
Power Ionizer System utilizes natural minerals, such as copper and silver,
while eliminating the daily usage of harsh chemicals such as chlorine or
bromine. By simply adjusting the dial, the natural mineral level can easily be
maintained between 0.3-0.6 ppm. Traditional salt systems can cause corrosion
to the steel wall on top rails. More and more, pool manufacturers will not
warranty a pool that uses a traditional salt system. The Power Ionizer System
utilizes a minimal amount of salt in a unique way; simply to kick-start the
process and then allows natural minerals to take over. This process is
environmentally friendly and safe for your pool. There are also a few simple
chemicals that help keep your pool sparkling clear! @[Video](fH54wnNVmTg)