1 Lb - Handy Pantry 5 Part Salad Sprout Mix - Organic Non-GMO Mixed Seeds - Organic Broccoli Sprouting Seeds, Radish Sprout Seeds, Alfalfa Sprout Seeds, Lentil Seeds, and Mung Bean Seeds for Sprouting

sku B4-EL99-0RAO
Reviews (0)
Price $22.88




Handy Pantry 5 Part Salad Sprout Mix Growing Handy Pantry 5 Part Salad Sprout Mix is one of the simplest and most delicious ways to introduce antioxidant-rich greens, nutrients, and vitamins into your diet. Our crunchy and fresh blend of alfalfa, broccoli, lentil, mung, and radish beans is sure to complement any meal. Sprouting, juicing, microgreening traditional garden seeds has gained international popularity over the past couple years for its unparalleled health benefits, flavor, and convenience! Read more Read more Why Handy Pantry? For more than 40 years, Handy Pantry has been committed to delivering our customers a 100% non-GMO product while providing a broad selection of sprouting seeds, microgreens kits, wheatgrass kits, juicers, sprouters, and tools that are certain to keep your family healthy, happy, and sustainable! 

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