Organic Chlorella Powder - 111g Jar - Sun Potion

sku TH-J9VZ-7E2J
Reviews (0)
Price $32.99




Chlorella is a fresh water, single-celled algae. It is considered to be one of the most nutritious and potent foods on the planet. It is a building block of fresh water food chains. SunPotion Chlorella is grown under the highest organic standards in indoor laboratories in Taiwan. It is then processed using an advanced sound frequency technology to shatter the cell wall thus, rendering the wealth of nutrients easily available for our bodies absorption. This technology represents a major advance from the traditional Dyno-Milling technique used by many producers today. Chlorella is an exceptional food because it contains complete amino acid chains , essential fatty acids, and extremely high levels of chlorophyll. In the SunPotion family, drinking a glass of clean water with a 1/2 teaspoon of Chlorella, marks the start of every day . Upon drinking, the body can instantly receive the many nutrients whilst refreshing its fluids; turning on the brain, nourishing the organs, and activation digestion. Its smooth rich flavor tastes surprisingly good. Many friends have noticed coffee fading out of their morning routine, after starting this life-giving habit.

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