
sku LL-Q9OS-DIY2
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Price $29.95




Without healthy levels of iodine, your thyroid can become sluggish. As a result, you can feel tired and suffer from weak muscles, brain fog, the blues and unwanted weight gain. The problem is, your body doesnt make iodine on its own. So, you must get enough in your daily diet from sources such as salt, seafood and spinach which can be difficult. But there is a quick and easy solution to restoring iodine levels and boosting energy, focus, and a healthy metabolism. Just 3 drops daily of Organixx Iodine delivers 13 TIMES MORE iodine than you can get from iodized table salt! FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read more Feeling Blue? Lost in a Brain Fog? Cant Shed That Extra Weight? An Iodine Deficiency Could Be to Blame! Hypothyroidism (a low-functioning thyroid) is notoriously misdiagnosed because the laundry list of symptoms is so long and varied. Its often confused with other health issues... To stay healthy and functioning as it should, your thyroid needs iodine, an essential trace mineral. If youve been struggling with a random list of symptoms such as thinning hair... brain fog... fatigue... weight gain... and more, then Organixx Iodine can help boost that sluggish thyroid so you can reduce these symptoms easier and faster than you imagined. Read more Organixx Iodine: Potent, Pure, Powerful Iodine Sourced from the Earth NOT from a Lab Organixx Iodine is sourced from 300 million-year-old salt deposits more than 7,000 feet below the earths surface. That means you get the cleanest, most potent form of iodine available anywhere. Its also 100% USDA Certified Organic and contains ZERO yeast, soy protein, artificial coloring or preservatives. Read more An Iodine Deficiency Can Be Responsible for Dozens of Mysterious Health Problems Your thyroid needs iodine to function properly and keep you healthy. And since our bodies do not make this essential mineral on their own, its important to supplement with iodine. Organixx Iodine can help support a healthy thyroid, which in turn can increase your mental clarity and concentration... reduce bloating and puffiness... improve your mood... chase away the blues... and much more. Read more Organixx Iodine is So Pure and Powerful, Just A Small Amount Each Day is Enough to Get the Results Youve Been Looking For Every dose of Organixx Iodine helps... Optimize metabolism so you can finally shed that stubborn weight Boost mood and reduce that blue feeling so you feel happy and optimistic again Strengthen weak, flabby muscles for a tighter physique Reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism such as weight gain, dry skin, fatigue and poor circulation Reduce aches and pains to help you feel more youthfully energetic And SO much more! Read more

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