Happy PMS Natural Progesterone Moisturizing Body Cream Plant Derived Bio-identical Hormone Balancing for PMS Symptom Relief 2oz Pump ( Cruelty Free)

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Price $22.06




John R. Lee, MD, has successfully treated female patients with natural progesterone cream for over 15 years. Dr. Lee has defined the signs of progesterone deficiency for women over 35 years of age to include swollen breasts, depression, low thyroid, fibro cystic breasts, water retention, weight gain, and loss of libido.Jerilyn C. Pryor, MD, an endocrinology professor at the University of British Columbia, found through testing that 50 per cent of the women in North America are severely deficient in progesterone by age 35 and that, during the menopausal years, progesterone levels decrease to almost zero while estrogen levels only decrease by 40 to 60 per cent. Dr. Lee defines this syndrome as "estrogen dominance". When this hormonal imbalance occurs, the estrogen becomes toxic to the body. Treatment with natural progesterone help the restored  balance between these two main female hormones, eliminating the need for synthetic hormone therapy, and the undesirable side effects.The most effective method of restoring physiological-equivalent to normal body function- progesterone levels, is with the proper supplementation of transdermally applied natural progesterone. Happy PMS Body Cream is a technologically advanced light, greaseless, moisturizing formulation of natural progesterone in a hypoallergenic, non comedogenic (won't clog pores) aloe vera base, free of odor and fragrance.

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