Enhanced Athlete Arachidonic Acid 350mg - 120 Caps

sku 2C-YQ6C-XTHV
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Price $34.99




Read more Increase Muscle Mass Arachidonic Acid is known to be the primary fatty acid responsible for muscle tissue inflammation. In turn with our Arachidonic Acid supplement, more inflammation will be created during a workout leading to more potential muscle growth Read more Support Overtraining By having more Arachidonic Acid before a workout, the body is then able to handle the increase in muscle inflammation from lifting weights. Therefore, many athletes take Arachidonic Acid to push their workouts beyond what they were capable before and set new PRs Read more Improve Muscle Recovery When lifting weights, the body frees up the fatty acid arachidonic acid which is then broken down and used to create localized hormones called prostaglandins. These prostaglandins are what cause muscle pain after a workout and motion the body to rebuild muscle tissue Read more Break Plateaus Break Plateaus - Say goodbye to plateaus because with Arachidonic Acid the body can handle a larger workload and push your previous limits. Thus, this supplement is great for people who havent been able to break their own PRs and want to get to the next level These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease Read more

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