Pure Body Institute of Ventura

sku WH-01630
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Price $30.00




What is it?Lack of circulation or lack of oxygen. Every problem of the body regardless of the details, has as its basic element these factors.This is why a toothache hurts.The decay in the tooth has blocked the flow of energy

through the tooth. The space (or cavity) has no substance (matter) to conduct energy flow, thus we feel pain.Where energy flow / circulation / oxygen flow has been repaired, pain dissipates and the body heals itself. Your body is capable of repairing itself naturally if given the chance. All it needs is food, energy, circulation and oxygen. The Equation for LifePain is not a normal state to live in. We learn that fire is hot and causes pain. We learn that smashing your thumb with a hammer, hurts. We learn that broken bones and sprains are painful.The more pain one experiences the more unhappy he will be. Most medications on the market today attempt to block pain. But they do not handle the root of the problem.Imagine life without pain. Imagine not taking something over the counter to medicate your woes or for that sore ______.Your body is capable of repairing itself. All it needs is food, energy, circulation & oxygen.Your life energy / circulation & oxygenation is displayed on your fingernails.Notice the white arc shape under the rear of the nails?These are called moons.Each hand should have 4 moons that progress from largest (at the thumb) to smallest (at the ring finger). You should never have a moon on your pinky fingernails.Your fingernails & moons reflect the health of your vital organs.Each finger represents a different organ system of your body.

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