Owen Mumford Autoject 2 - Self-Injection Made Easy (AJ 1300)

sku WH-02485
Reviews (0)
Price $48.98


Autoject2 is an advanced auto-injector device that encourages patient self-reliance and helps improve medicine adherence by making subcutaneous injections simple, convenient and more manageable.

It is an effective solution for patients that are apprehensive about injecting themselves using syringes. Autoject2 auto-injector devices conceal the syringe and needle and enable effective drug delivery at a touch of a button. Concealment of the needle also guards against accidental injury.

The ergonomic, easy-to-use design allows many people, especially children and older patients, to self-inject and effectively manage their condition. Autoject2 can be activated by one-handed operation, making it possible to use a wider range of injection sites than by manually injecting with only a syringe. It also features a protective cap and locking mechanism to control activation and a large viewing window for easy scrutiny of the syringe. Audible and visual indicators at the start and end of dose delivery ensure medication is administered correctly.

Owen Mumford does not support or endorse the off-label use of Autoject 2 for epinephrine injections

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