Audiolab DC Block Audio Grade Mains Filter & Direct Current Blocker | Black

sku WH-06160
Reviews (0)
Price $149.00




The typical mains supply is subject to various kinds of interference and non- linear loads, which distorts the AC waveform. Asymmetrical loads will cause the waveform to be offset and result in what is known as 'DC on the mains'. The amount of DC is only small, typically less than 500mV, but it only takes a small amount of DC to saturate a modern high flux toroidal transformer. Saturation of the transformer will invariably result in reduced efficiency and mechanical vibration. This typically manifests in 'noisy operation' and acoustically compromised performance. Removing the DC from your mains supply will not only restore efficiency and reduce mechanical hum of noisy transformers, it will also improve the performance of the connected audio equipment, resulting in greater clarity and dynamics. The audiolab DC BLOCK utilizes a simple connection and intelligent design that will help remove DC from your mains power supply, instantly. As well as DC removal, the audiolab DC BLOCK provides additional mains conditioning and RF filtering, of both common and differential mode noise, which further contributes to the optimal operation of your audio equipment. The audiolab DC BLOCK mains conditioner is compatible with most audio equipment that utilizes an IEC mains inlet and will offer a no-nonsense, instant improvement to the mains power supply, and ultimately, the performance of your Hi-Fi system.
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