There are many techniques used to remove unsightly body hair. Many cultures
used many methods to remove body hair in all or certain areas. The various
methods fell under the grouping of epilation. Electrolysis has been the
leading approach for over 100 years in western civilization. The first person
to use electrolysis for hair removal was Dr. Charles E. Michel (1833 - 1913),
a St. Louis, Missouri ophthalmologist (eye doctor) who, in 1875, reported the
results of his use of electrolysis in trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes) (St.
Louis Clinical Record, October, 1875, 2:145-148). He had been performing
electrolysis since 1869. Clean and Easy Home Electrolysis Deluxe takes
electrolysis out of the therapist's office and into your home. It's a
convenient, safe alternative toward achieving a great appearance. Hair growth
is the result of heredity and hormonal levels. Also, some drugs, temporary
methods of hair removal, and some illnesses can stimulate hair growth.
Usually, hair growth is desirable. But when the hair is the wrong part of your
body -- a woman's upper lip or chin or bikini line, for example -- you may be
considering electrolysis. Many need to go to licensed electrolysis
practitioner, which can be quite expensive. The Clean and Easy Home
Electrolysis Deluxe Kit is an economical alternative in the privacy of your
own domain. Electrolysis is a way of removing individual hairs from the face
or body. Today's medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth center of the
hair with chemical or heat energy. A very fine probe is inserted into the hair
follicle at the surface of the skin. The hair is then removed with tweezers.
When it comes to hair removal, Clean & Easy products offer pro-grade hair
removal products that are safe, gentle, and aesthetic. It's the personal,
private approach to assure beauty and smooth skin. Color Black Adjustable
Sizing Stable Platform for Captu