Brandywine Brandywine Maintenance Kit, Non-Static Shampoo, Revitalizing Conditioner & Wig Spray 8 oz. each

sku WH-01505
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Price $29.95




----Brandywine Non-Static Shampoo---- is an excellent non static shampoo that leaves hair glossy clean. Cleans, conditions, and removes hair spray from wigs and hairpieces. ----Brandywine Revitalizing Conditioner---- will bring life back to dull hair and leaving it softer, shinier, and easy to manage. ----Brandywine Wig Spray----- is water soluble, crystal clear, and quick drying. It holds your style without making your hair sticky or gummy. This amazing wig spray holds styles firmly & beautifully while leaving the hair easy to manage and comb.
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