Size:4 oz Kaci Free is an herbal supplement anti-parasitic designed to help
your pet overcome microscopic parasites such as Giardia and Coccidiosis.
Although Kaci Free will not work on your typical round worm, tape worn, or
hook worm; we have found great success in helping pets all over the world get
rid of Giardia, Coccidian, and Campylobacter (a bacterial infection). KOCCI
FREE is an ORGANIC all natural antibiotic which can help: Build and stimulate
the immune system Rid the body of microscopic parasites Kills viruses,
bacteria and fungus Soothe the digestive system Helps rid the body of free
radicals If your pet is exposed Kaci Free may also be used to help protect
your pet from illness KOCCI FREE is best when used in conjunction with Parvaid
or "Kitty Distempered" The Parvaid (for dogs) or Kitty Distempered (for cats)
may help your animal with the symptoms associated from coccidiosis such as
vomiting and diarrhea. Parvaid or Kitty Distempered can also relieve stress
caused by the nerves from the coccidian infection. Kaci Free Contains: Olive
Leaf, Mustard Seed, Pau D'arco, Black Seed, Cloves, Grapefruit Seed Extract,
Jatoba, Ethyl Alcohol, Filtered Water. CATION: Do not mix Kaci Free with VI
Bactra Plus VibactraTM, UTRTM, Kennel Koff. DO NOT USE WITH BAYTRIL OR
TAMIFLU. As with any food product, herbs can antagonize allergies in your pet.
Stop giving Kaci Free if you see any of the following: Rashes, hives, edema
(swelling), diarrhea, or blood in stools. If your pet has a reaction give
charcoal and take to a veterinarian. (Have your vet treat for symptoms. Kaci
Free will be out of your pets system in 3 hours). May cause miscarriage in
some animals. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.