Sound Oasis PA-100 Amplified Stereo Pillow Speakers

sku KB-U9SS-F2HK
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Price $41.99




Did you know that everyone has a different trigger that helps you transition from wakefulness to an unconscious sleep state? The Sound Oasis PA-100 Amplified Stereo Pillow Speakers allow you to drift into a peaceful slumber to your specific trigger. Whether you prefer a nighttime show, soundtrack, or even white noise to induce your sleep cycle – any of these options become possible with the Sound Oasis PA-100. Simply slip the ultra-compact mini speakers into your pillowcase and allow the built-in amplification of the two high fidelity speakers surround your head for enhanced sleep sound therapy. The PA-100 is the perfect nighttime device for those who suffer from sleep or auditory disorders offering relief for disorders such as Tinnitus. For those who travel frequently, the PA-100 is an ideal accessory to neck pillows or those who simply cannot sleep in strange hotels. Regardless of the use, it is certain that the Sound Oasis PA-100 will transform the way you sleep. High Volume Stereo Sound Sound Oasis Amplified Stereo Pillow Speakers are the ultimate sound therapy tool for relaxation and comfort. The ultra-thin stereo speakers’ built-in amplification and high volume sound output gently surround your senses in sound for enhanced auditory therapy, an enjoyable sense of privacy and a richer sleeping experience. The pair of sleek high-fidelity speakers is ideal for those managing tinnitus, insomnia, noisy neighbors, night-shift sleep schedules or anyone hoping to achieve deeper sleep. 

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