Lifetone HLAC151 Bedside Vibrating Fire Alarm and Clock

sku OL-DRLE-OV55
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Price $239.95




Smoke alarm technology that could save your life and the lives of your loved ones in a nighttime fire. The Lifetone HL uses patented monitoring technology to actively listen for the sound of your smoke alarm (and ignore all other sounds at the same frequency, about 3100 Hz). When it hears your smoke alarm it immediately initiates three different signals to wake you up now: The special 520 Hz square-wave alarm sound proven as the most effective at waking people up in a fire emergency, a visual signal that flashes with the word FIRE, and a physical vibration from the bed shaker - a small clam shell-like device about the size of the palm of your hand that plugs in to the back of the unit. Only the Lifetone HL offers you this level of security for the best chance of waking up quickly in a nighttime fire.
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